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On the page you will find a recommendation of great books to read to be part of an informed citizenry, because knowledge is the ultimate power.
Below are just a small sampling of books to get you started. We’ll have more recommendations on the completed site; recommendations from you and other liberty-minded, freedom-loving Americans!
The Constitution | Strategy | Acing Politics | American Foundation | Frederick Douglass | Environmentalism | Inflitration |
The Honorable William X Tong, Attorney General of Connecticut,
We the cosigners of this petition urge you and your office consider this request.
In Connecticut, and states across the country, a pattern is emerging where elderly donors are exhibiting massive numbers of donations in the FEC.GOV database. The data suggests that senior citizens are being targeted in a process that constitutes the elements of identity theft, elder abuse, and most concerning, money laundering of money to political candidates and committees.
According to FEC, the average donor donates 1.4 times a year compared to the donors we have identified that are donating to candidates and committees thousands of times each year for an extended period of time.
The questions we are asking is whether or not these are system issues related to the practice of earmarks/bundlles or are unsuspecting citizens have their donor IDs hijacked for the purpose of funneling outside money to campaigns and political committees?
2WINCT identified 18 Connecticut Residents that have collectively donated 150,896 times for a total of $2,601,914! We respectively ask the office of the Attorney General to conduct investigations to insure the privacy and integrity of these donors and the political donation process.
We appreciate your action to help elections in Connecticut! After submitting the petition, you will be directed to our 501c(4) donation form and we hope you consider a donation of any amount.